Let me explain how this came about. . .
Last week, after much soul searching, I gave my notice at the Early Head Start job that I have been working at for a year. I decided that it wasn't a good fit and I better do something about it now, before it's too late. And by too late, I mean before I bought a condo and would therefore have to stay in a job that I knew I was not happy at just to pay my mortgage. So, I put the condo hunt on hold, bit the bullet and decided to go back to job searching.
"If you reach for something and find out it's the wrong thing, you change your program and move on."
~ Hazel ScottI know it's not going to be easy, it took me forever to find that job, so I know it might be a while before I find another. In the meantime, I am planning to put in more hours at Starbucks in order to get by financially. I also want to spend some time working on me, doing things that are important to me; volunteering, spending time with family, spending time with friends that I miss dearly, going to yoga, finding that perfect job (or a rich man. I'd settle for a rich man), writing in my blog more often :-), travelling, just to name a few. I need to spend time figuring me out before I can land that dream job.
"If one is out of touch with oneself, then one cannot touch others."
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
So, as I was watching a touching segment last week detailing the memorial that was created at Ground Zero, I made the decision. I decided that what I needed was a trip. A trip to New York. So, then and there, I decided that for my birthday I would go to New York. I put it out there to see if any friends or family wanted to join me, nobody could, so I'll be going solo and I couldn't be more excited. My first trip to New York was by myself and it was the best trip I had ever been on, so going by myself doesn't bother me in the slightest. (That doesn't mean that I wouldn't still loveit if someone wanted to join me.) I found an insanely good round trip ticket price and booked my flight last night. And I've already begun compling my "things to do when back in NYC" list. . .
Anyway, time to go find a hotel and get to bed. More on my trip as it gets closer.